Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to each participant (“Participant” and collectively, the “Participants”) on the Next Crop Program (“the Program”) and these may be amended by Tasmanian Leaders Inc. (“TL”) from time to time.

Attendance and programs

(1) A place on the Program is only available to Participants following acceptance of the application by the Board of TL and the subsequent offering of a place by TL, and is not transferable to another individual.

(2) Participants undertake to attend all the Program events across eight sessions.

(3) Participants agree that they will make attendance at the Program their priority and that it would only be in exceptional circumstances that a Participant would be unable to attend an event, and that if such a situation does arise, the Participant will discuss this with the CEO of TL as early as possible beforehand.

(4) Participants further agree and acknowledge that missing one session will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances and more than one may jeopardise graduation from the Program compromising entry into the Tasmanian Leaders Network. In the unlikely event that such circumstances arise, this will be resolved through discussion between the participant, the CEO and as required representatives of the Board of Tasmanian Leaders. Participants agree that the Board’s decision on these matters will be final and that there will be no further right of appeal.

(5) TL reserves the right to change the advertised schedule of the Program on reasonable notice to the Participants. TL further reserves the right to change the agenda for a program day or event without notice to the Participants.

(6) TL will make every effort to give the Participants reasonable notice in advance if the venue for part of the Program or associated event is changed.

Conduct during the Program

(1) In the event of any improper behaviour by a Participant, TL will be entitled to require their withdrawal from the Program and will retain the Program fees. The Participant also agrees and undertakes that it will also indemnify TL for any expenses, direct or indirect loss (whether consequential or otherwise) or any other liability that TL may incur or suffer as a result of such improper behaviour.

Payment Terms

(1) Reservation of a place on the Program is conditional upon the completion of our Program Acceptance Form along with receipt (of cleared funds) of the Participant’s fee.

(2) Unless otherwise agreed in writing by TL and prior to the due date for receipt of the Program fees, attendance on the Program is conditional on receipt in full of the Program fees payable by the Participant to TL on or before the due date stipulated.

(3) By signing the application and/or the confirmation of acceptance of a place each Participant expressly agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions and hereby confirms that they have the authority to sign such documents.

(4) Each Participant agrees that by returning the completed application form, or the form to confirm acceptance of a place, either via email or the internet, will constitute an electronic signature and so have the same effect as returning a signed hard copy of either document.

Cancellation and Refunds

(1) No refund of fees will be made for absence due to illness or for withdrawal during the Program for any reason.

Data Protection

(1) TL is the data controller for the purposes of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) or any subsequent or replacement legislation. The participant may email info@tasmanianleaders.org.au if they have any queries relating to the use of their data.

(2) Each Participant agrees that TL may use their data for the following purposes:

a) TL will use a Participant’s contact details to send them information relating to the Program and to request feedback.

b) TL may publish the biographical information of a Participant to provide to other members of the participant group, in briefing packs and on the participant area of the TL website. Upon a Participant’s graduation, this information will appear in the graduate area of the TL website and also in the Skillsbank area of the same website.

c) TL may publish a Participant’s name, job title, employer organisation, experience and program attended as part of its promotional materials for TL, Skillsbank or any other program.

d) TL may also use each Participant’s contact details to send them information about other programs and activities that TL or its partners offer.

e) TL may publish each Participant’s contact details (including email address) to graduates of the Program, to members of the TL advisory groups, in the Tasmanian Leaders Program graduate directory and otherwise in association with Skillsbank or other programs.

(3) Except in connection with the activities described above or where required to do so by law, TL will not disclose a Participant’s data to third parties without that Participant’s permission.

(4) TL will take reasonable precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or improper alteration of each Participant’s data.

Use of Image

Each Participant hereby expressly agrees and acknowledges that:

(1) Photographs, movies and other images of Participants (“the Images”) will be taken at events included in, or related to, the Program.

(2) The Images may be taken by representatives of TL or photographers retained by TL, alumni or participants and, at the time they are taken, the Images may or may not be taken specifically for TL’s benefit.

(3) The Images may be deposited by TL in its “Communications Image Library” and retained by it for future use.

(4) The Images may be used by TL or such 3rd parties that it authorises:

a) in any medium such as print publications, digital images (whether moving images or not), on the World Wide Web, and/or for any promotional purposes; and/or

b) for purposes related to the activities, programs and services of TL.

Limitation of Liability to amount that Tasmanian Leaders Inc’s insurance covers and that is paid out

In consideration for TL allowing the Participant’s participation in the Program and in consideration for TL’s voluntary officers and agents and TL’s employees work to enable the Participant’s involvement at a significantly lower fee than it would cost if the program was provided commercially, each Participant provides their express acknowledgement and agreement that the following limitations to TL’s liability will apply from the time that the Participants application is accepted until the end of the Participant’s involvement in the Program in accordance with these Terms & Conditions:

(1) TL’s liability to the Participant for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage or personal injury, howsoever caused (including where such loss or damage is sustained by the Participant as a result of TL’s negligence, including (without limitation) the negligence of TL’s officers, employees or agents) and sustained by the Participant in connection with the Program, is limited to:

a) such liability that is covered by insurance held by TL; and

b) such liability that is also paid out by the insurance company.

(2) Copies of all relevant insurances held by TL may be viewed by the Participant at the offices of TL by appointment during normal work hours.

(3) Subject to sub-clause 1 above, every exemption, limitation, condition and liberty herein contained and every right, exemption from liability, defence and immunity of whatsoever nature applicable to TL or to which TL is entitled hereunder shall also be available and shall extend to protect every employee, officer or volunteer of TL in relation to the Program;

(4) The Participant hereby undertakes that save for the purpose of seeking payment from insurance coverage held by TL, he/she will not issue any proceedings or take any action against TL (including its officers, employees and volunteers) for any act or omission by any of them (whether negligent or otherwise) and this document may be pleaded as a bar to any proceedings brought by the Participant;

(5) Nothing in the above clauses is to be construed as affecting the implication of any term into this contract which by statute may not be excluded, nor is it the intention of the parties to exclude, limit or qualify any right or remedy which any party may have against TL (including its officers, employees or volunteers) for the breach of any such implied term.