Polarisation and Leadership

We are introducing and inviting you to participate in our major piece of Thought Leadership work for 2022 on Polarisation and Leadership.

The purpose of this work is to deepen our knowledge in an emerging field of interest and further understand how our Network members are experiencing polarisations, and divisions, within their personal and professional roles and how we might better support their leadership efforts.

What is thought leadership?

Our thought leadership work brings together diverse perspectives to generate new thinking and connect this to key decision-makers and influencers. Tapping into the knowledge of our Network, our aim is to motivate and inspire solutions for Tasmania’s most intractable issues and seize the plentiful opportunities available to us.

Why polarisation?

Polarisation is the act of dividing something, especially something that contains different opinions, beliefs or groups, into two completely opposing sides. We are working on the assumption that the world is becoming increasingly polarised with individuals becoming more extreme in their opinions.

This project does not seek to legitimise view on opposing sides. Instead, it seeks to understand what polarisation and division means for leaders in Tasmania and to consider what skills might help you exercise effective leadership in polarising contexts.

Why you should be involved?

Polarisation effects all of us, whether you’re directly involved in a polarised environment or not.
Having your experiences and ideas underpin this work allows Tasmanian Leaders to continue to support you in ways that are most relevant and practical.

How you can be involved:

We have recently completed a webinar series, collected views and experiences of polarisation via a survey and presented the findings through online round-table forums. If you would like to view the survey questions, click here. A report of the findings so far will be available in the near future which will underpin the next step in this body of research.

We hope you can engage with us at some level on this thought leadership project as your experience and opinions matter to us and can actively support understandings of future leadership in Tasmania for our Network and beyond.